Pondering My Journey
Just One Room Today
One room. That’s where I live. In it I pray and commune with God. Write blogs for my website. Sleep when insomnia does not grab me. Connect on prayer calls for America. Mentor by phone. Attend church online. Stay connected with friends through e-mail, phone, or texting. Get my entertainment on television. Brew my cup of coffee. One room. Just one room.
Now I am 90 years old. In my home three generations of us live peacefully and with love and respect for one another. They cook for me, run my errands, get my mail.
My times of hospitality, entertaining and holding prayer meetings in my home have ceased. But that’s not so bad—good memories of those days make me smile in appreciation for all who have passed through our homes in the past. Of what God helped me do.
One week alone more than 100 people signed our guest book. We had Glory Parties, Writing Seminars, Prayer Meetings, Teen Get-togethers, Slumber Parties, Car Repair Sessions, and all kinds of birthday and holiday gatherings. We did not have large houses but when our kids were growing up, we had a screen porch and once in a while we fed as many as 40 out there.
My days of travelling to speak have stopped. But, hey, I have had the privilege of going to 26 countries—speaking in 12 nations and 47 states and on more than 375 radio and television stations. Using the talent God gave me, I have tried to be faithful with it, writing or co-authoring 31 books and hundreds of articles for newspapers and magazines.
My life has been full. Over 50 years of marriage to one man, three children who love the Lord.
The other day two friends picked me up and we spent three hours driving over our city and the nearby military base– stopping at strategic spots to pray. I left my One Room for a prayer journey. And I loved it!
Just the other night I did a Zoom teaching to 15 women in Birmingham, Alabama on my book Cast Your Shadow: Influence On Purpose. I love this technology which has allowed me to teach on my book topics across the nation.
Old age is not what I imagined. Challenging health issues. I am depending on God, doctors, vitamins, meds to help me keep on living. But here I sit at a computer at seven on a Tuesday morning turning this out—my life summary. And I fully intend to fulfill and finish my God-ordained destiny. The assignment over the years just continues to change a bit.
So, today is another new day, another week, another opportunity to encourage and pray for someone without ever leaving my One Room. Today I hope it might even be you!
Blessings and have a happy fulfilling day. Quin
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