No Distance in Prayer

“There is no distance in prayer.” I heard that statement years ago from my friend, James Goll, a  long-time intercessor, author, and former pastor.

In his book, The Lost Art of Intercession,he writes: “Your prayers can make a vital difference, especially when you harmonize in prayer with others and carefully target your prayers. Since prayer is unhindered by time, distance or language barriers, you can join any ministry team on the earth! Teams can go constantly to sow the seeds of the gospel in the earth. For God’s sake get on somebody’s team. Ask God to guide you to the ministry or persons He wants you to support in prayer. He will burden your heart.” 1

I spent one of my most inspirational and spiritual awakening days with his wife Michal Ann in her beloved horse barn outside Franklin, Tennessee, one warm fall day. She shared with me prayer experiences she and James had had separately and together both in this nation and overseas.

She especially recalled a time spent at the site of the early Moravian prayer movement which started in 1727, with unbroken intercessory prayer for 24 hours, every day of the week for over 100 years.Those Christians not only prayed, but many went as missionaries to the ends of the earth.

In 1993 James and Michal Ann travelled with over a dozen intercessors to pray in the prayer tower in the Moravian village of Herrnhut, located on the southeastern border of Germany. James later wrote that his group’s mission was “to seek God for the anointing of the spirit of prayer that had once rested upon Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf and the Moravian community of faith.” As they prayed, agonized and groaned under the influence of the Holy Spirit, a strong wind suddenly blew about the tower, whipping away their hats and scarves. Time spent in both the prayer tower and Moravian cemetery, brought the Golls, “a new wave of faith to fulfill a holy mandate to blow this spirit of prayer out into the nations,” according to James.2

Years later in the Tennessee barn as Michal Ann told me about their day at the Moravian prayer tower, she laid a hand on my shoulder and prayed. I felt as if a new prayer mantle had been placed upon me. Over the next few years, she and I met for short visits and prayer times. Putting some of her methods into practice enriched my prayer life and remain with me though Michal Ann is now in heaven.

All of us have others who influence us on our spiritual journey. When I hear a nugget of spiritual wisdom from someone, I write it down and ponder it for a while.

Sometimes we are the “encourager” to others, often sharing about our own spiritual trip, and perhaps lovingly coaching them in their prayer walk.

Whenever I recall the phrase “there is no distance in prayer” I am reminded that some of my prayer partners often lived in other localities—very distant– so we exchanged prayer requests by phone and later emails. In recent years joining national prayer teams via phone to intercede for America has been one of my greatest privileges.

Right now you may want to stop and thank God for those somebodies who helped you learn to pray more effectively. And you can ask Him to show you those you might reach or teach yourself. And consider joining a prayer group to intercede for a great harvest of souls –salvations for multitudes to come to know Jesus, the Savior.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for all those who have taught me by example how to pray with more boldness. Bless them. Help me be open to teach others Your prayer principles from the Bible. Thank You for the lessons our dear Jesus taught us as recorded in Your word.  I pray for a “great awakening” among those who do not yet know Him. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Scripture: Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much. (James 5:16 NASB)

 I know that you are wise and good, my brothers, and that you know these things so well that you are able to teach others all about them. (Romans 15:14 TLB)

For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers. (Romans 1:9 NKJV)


  1. James Goll, The Lost Art of Intercession, Shippensburg, PA., Destiny Image,1999, p. 99.
  2. Ibid. pp.2-3.

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