Alphabet Worship Starters

Praise is a good way to begin any prayer time. Try entering into worship and prayer by using the letters of the alphabet. Focus on the attributes of the Trinity—our Heavenly Father’s goodness, Jesus’ sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit, as our Comforter, Teacher.

 “Enter into His gate with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.”  (Psalm 100: 4-5 NKJV)

Add your personal praise/worship favorites from this starter list we that Ruthanne Garlock and I wrote and published in our book, Warfare Prayers For Women.

A: Abba Father, Almighty God, Ancient of Days

B: Bread of Life, Blood of the Lamb, Breath of Life

C: Creator, Comforter, Covenant Keeper

D: Deliverer, Destroyer of Sin

E: Eternal, Everlasting God

F: Father, Faithful Friend

G: Good Shepherd, Glory

H: Healer, Helper

I: I AM, Immanuel, Immortal

J: Jehovah, Just Judge

K: King of kings, Keeper

L: Lamb of God, Lord of lords, Living Water

M: Messiah, Master, Merciful Lord

N: Name above all names, Nazarene

O: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omega

P: Prince of Peace, Protector, Provider

Q: Quieter of my storms

R: Redeemer, Righteous One, Rescuer

S: Savior, Son of God,Shepherd

T: Teacher, Truth, Triumphant

U: Universal, Unchangeable

V: Victorious, Vine, Voice of God

W: Warrior, the Word, Way Maker

X: EXtraordinary in all Your ways

Y: Yahweh (YHWH—Hebrew name of God, Jehovah

Z: Zealous – He will rouse his zeal like a man of war (Isaiah 42:13 NASB)  1

  • Footnote: Warfare Prayers For Women by Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI., 2020. pages 250-251.  

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