National Day of Prayer, 2024
On Thursday, May 2, the National Day of Prayer will be observed as Americans unite for one day of prayer…
We All Need Favor
“I need a favor,” we tell someone—a friend, a boss, a neighbor. We’re appealing for some need to be met:…
Corrie’s Chess Game
How surprised we are sometimes when we discover a special kindness was extended to us and we weren’t even aware…
Developing a Discerning Ear
Do we have a listening ear to distinguish the voice of God—His Holy Spirit speaking to us personally? Jesus strongly…
Celebrating Pentecost
Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon on the 120 in an upper room in Jerusalem after they…
Pondering Your Life’s Journey
Let’s consider today the fascinating task of pondering your life’s journey and then writing about it. So you don’t think…
National Day of Prayer
On Thursday, May 4, the National Day of Prayer will be observed as Americans unite for one day of prayer…
Mentoring Guidelines
Because some older women asked my advice on mentoring younger women I have written this post—not to gain any more…
Prayer Partnerships
Do you have one or more people who pray with you on a regular basis? A preacher once told me…
A Bouquet of Ideas
A famous philosopher in the Renaissance era was given accolades for his brilliant ideas and writings but he shied away…