Coming Through a Difficult Place

Have you ever been in a hard place–like undergoing treatment for an illness and needing many rides to the clinic? Or a different difficulty? You can’t help but wonder when and how you will get through. Who will help?

Practical Christianity –that’s what most of us need. Christians putting feet to their prayers. Or as one sick boy told his mother, “I need Jesus with skin on, now—in person.”

The 16th century nun, Teresa of Avila wrote: “Christ has no hands on earth but yours. No feet on earth but yours, no eyes of compassion on earth but yours. He has no body on earth but yours.”

Paul wrote the Romans. “Contribute to the needs of God’s people [sharing in the necessities of the saints]; pursue the practice of hospitality.” (Romans12:13 AMPC). Other Gospel commands say to share each other’s burdens, care for one another, encourage one another (Gal. 6:2; I Cor. 12:25; I Thes.5:11).

Some years back we were members of a church pastored by Rev. Peter Lord who urged all members to register at the church office whatever “gift” they were willing to use to help others—perhaps teach a skill such as carpentry, house cleaning or repairing cars. Or whatever they felt they could do to help folks.

During a period when my husband was at home recovering from back surgery, if I could not get him to his doctor or physical therapist appointment, I called the church to see who had volunteered as a driver for the sick. Later when he was well, he was one of the pilots who flew our pastor to his ministry engagements in a friend’s plane.

As a newspaper feature writer, I taught the church women’s writing classes. Margret taught my daughter to bake bread. Mary Jo taught the other one creative ways to decorate a home. How I miss those days with such personal touches! People using their gifts, just helping people.

So now while experiencing an unexpected health issue I need several weeks of transportation. Yes, my family members will help some days.

A praying friend in another state assured me, “You are coming through this.  The Lord will bring you through.” I agreed. But I wondered who His helpers would be to help me through.

While pondering my situation I got a surprise phone call from my friend Linda offering to get me to my upcoming clinic visit!  As a widow who helped nurse her husband, she understands my need. She even volunteered to line up rides for me the rest of the days I need them. Her list consists mainly of women from her Bible study group. What a friend! I praise the Lord for her and all others who will be driving me!

Is there someone you may be able to help today? As God’s hands-on-earth? If you are, you will make that someone very relieved, happy, and grateful. I should know.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for those who are hospitable to me, encouraging, and helping bear my burden. Bless and reward them for their unselfish help to me. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Scriptures: Through love serve one another.  (Gal.5:13b NKJV) 

The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. (Psalm 121:8 AMPC)

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