It’s Almost Suppertime

It’s Almost Suppertime…Lessons from the Table, is a new book by my good friend JoNell Burch Gerland.  The lessons include biblical tables, her mom’s table, her own table, and tables around the world. She has been to 25 nations with her ministry Treasure in Clay since she founded it in 2001. Her book is full of homespun wisdom, biblical truths, and recipes. Each chapter points you to Jesus!

Listen to JoNell’s takeaway:

“One day soon there will be a higher call to the Table. The great gathering around the Lord’s Table. Will you be there? You’re invited. There is always room. You will have your own chair and will be loved and accepted. Jesus made the way. You just have to accept His invitation. It’s almost suppertime. Hope to see you there!”

When she was a little girl, one Sunday afternoon her dad, a deputy sheriff, drove her and her mom to the outskirts of Orange, Texas, pointed across the Sabine river and said, “Look over there JoBaby, that’s Louisiana.” She was thrilled because it seemed she had seen a foreign land and it was closer than she realized.

JoNell’s dad died when she was 12, but he had planted in her a desire to travel beyond the borders of her hometown. She says she was probably 19 before she ever got more than 50 miles outside of Texas. She has since been to 40 nations, (25 in ministry) and has spoken in Christian meetings in 49 of these United States.

 Growing up as youngest of six kids, JoNell says they were the poorest family she knew but she considered them rich because of her family’s love for one another. Inez, her resourceful mom, served a pot of beans along with rice and a side of something Cajun almost every night to family, neighbors or whoever showed up for supper. Boisterous laughter broke out as they exchanged stories about their day. A simple overflow of love and respect shared around a kitchen table set with mismatched, chipped, cracked and sometimes patched together dishes. JoNell cherishes those memories—and especially the times her parents prayed!

 “Cooking is an expression of my heart,” says this fabulous cook, who makes almost everything from scratch. Today, JoNell and husband Kelly often host dinner gatherings at their spacious dining room table. Or folks gather in the kitchen around a scrumptious buffet spread to load their plates up before going onto the screen porch to enjoy fellowship, swapping of stories and laughs. The ones she enjoys cooking for the most are her children and grands—a big housefull!

Commenting about hospitality in any Christian home, she says: “Something sacred often happens as we gather together. We not only share a table, we share our lives. There as we listen and contribute, we find out we are not alone. I believe it is one of the reasons our Lord gave the invitation to come often to His table through Communion. He is always at the head of that Table, but it is a reminder that we are one body and one blood through Him. How precious!”

Book chapter topics include tables of: Security. Welcome. Sacrifice. Stormy Seasons. Crisis. Betrayal. Forgiveness. Generosity. Tenderness. Redemption. Leadership. Blessing. In Tables from Around the World chapter we peek at hospitality she’s experienced in Kenya, Russia, Argentina, Egypt, Pakistan. South Africa. Uganda and many others including Guatemala where I was privileged to accompany her.

JoNell is an ordained minister and once when holding meetings in Uganda, she asked the pastor to get some elements so the congregation could share Communion (The Lord’s Supper). The church leaders got what they could find available: Looney Tune biscuits and Coca Cola. JoNell writes, “I hope you don’t find that offensive. I know Communion is a sacred space, but there on that day, it was a holy offering. I don’t think I have served it with more joy. Both mine and the Lord’s. I felt His seal was upon it because they gave the best they had.”

Take a tour through the Bible with lessons learned in connection with food or hospitality. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz. David. Joseph. Elijah. Mary and Martha. Jesus with His disciples. And many others.

Don’t forget to try the mouth-watering recipes she shares either! Proud of her? You bet, because I have pushed JoNell for years to get her life-lessons into print! Hope you will read her book!

 I end with this quote from “It’s Almost Suppertime…Lessons from The Table.”

“Do you hear a sound in the land, a clarion call ringing? I do, and I believe it is the sound of a supper bell announcing, “Get ready, it’s almost time for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Can you smell the bread baking, the kitchen alive with sounds of preparation? Listen closely. There. Smell it? Hear it? It’s time to get ready, indeed it is almost suppertime!”

Prayer: Lord, send me the people of Your choice—those who need me to bless them with hospitality. May I do it with love as though You Yourself are the guest at our table and home. Amen.


[Jesus says] Look at me, I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. (Revelation 3:20 MSG)

 And it occurred that as He reclined at table with them, He took [a loaf of] bread and praised [God] and gave thanks and asked a blessing, and then broke it and was giving it to them.When their eyes were [instantly] opened and they [clearly] recognized Him, and He vanished (departed invisibly). Luke 24:30-31 AMPC)

To contact JoNell Gerland: 

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