Jesus in the Operating Room  

Jesus in the operating room? The picture on the wall in the waiting room of the surgeon’s office gave me courage. While waiting to consult with this specialist I had never met, the painting told me all I needed to know about the man I would trust to operate on me.

The painting shows three figures in an operating room all dressed in sterile blue gowns and gloves. Instruments are laid out and obviously surgery is underway. The lead surgeon’s hand is up. Standing right behind him is the figure of Jesus, touching his hand, as though guiding him as he performs the operation. 1(See footnote)

 Yes, I had chosen the right doctor. The unspoken message came when I studied this painting. Jesus would be the unseen Physician in the operating room with my doctor and all of those involved in my procedure.

“Look,” I said excitedly to others sitting in the waiting room. Pointing toward the picture, I continued, “Look, folks at that picture. Jesus will be in the operating room when this doctor operates on us.” One man walked over to view the picture more closely. After a while, he smiled and said, “Glad the Great Physician will be there. It’s reassuring.”

When I finally met the doctor, I thanked him for that inspiring work of art and explained how it encouraged me. You see I had faced fear that at my age being put to sleep again and cut open was risky.  It was a fear I was overcoming. How glad I was to meet a fellow believer who counts on Christ for wisdom and guidance. His Christian focus is clear to anyone who enters his office.

A few days later in the hospital as I was being prepared for surgery, the anesthesiologist came to talk to me first. I told her that I had prayed for whoever would administer anesthesia for me. But I also told her about the picture in the doctor’s office. “Jesus will be in the operating room with us—you and all those working on me.” She smiled and said she understood as she had attended parochial school.

I even told a few other medical personnel in the O.R. —Jesus would be there with us. It didn’t matter whether they believed me or not. I knew Jesus promised that He would never leave nor forsake me. I was put to sleep, the surgery performed, and I was rolled into a hospital bed to begin recovery. No problem waking up!

While I face another challenging health issue, I know Jesus is with me. And He always will be until I finish my race on earth, and then He will welcome me to heaven.  

Jesus can readily identify with our suffering and pain. While hanging on the cross, He endured a terrible crucifixion, willingly dying for our sins. Scripture says He is “touched with the feeling of our infirmities.” (Heb.4:15 KJV)

Whether our illness is short-lived or ongoing, He meets us with great compassion. He healed people by different means under various conditions during His three years of earthly ministry. I am always open for His supernatural touch, but I am truly grateful for modern medical advances and for my various Christian doctors who also believe that the Lord Jesus is with us through our ill health ordeals. And they use their skills to help us recover.

Lord, I Need Your Healing Power” is the title of a book I once co-authored. 2  It is a good title to pray, I think.

 Prayer: Lord, I do need Your healing power. Thank You for being with me and my doctors and other medical personnel during my recent hospitalizations. Thank You for continuing to be with others in my upcoming treatments. Guide their hands and give them wisdom. Thank You, my loving Savior, Jesus Christ, who will always be with me. Amen.

Scripture: He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; (Isa.53:5a NKJV).

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deut. 31:8 NIV)

And Jesus having heard, said to them, “They who are whole have no need of a physician, but they who are ill;” (Matthew 9:12 YLT)

When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. (Luke 4:40 NKJV)


  1. To view the painting on the web look for “Chief of the Medical Staff” by artist Nathan Greene, or the link “Paintings of Jesus in Operating Room. Website details read, “Greene’s gift for detail rendered in luminous color shines in this powerful image. Patients and their loved ones can find strength in its reminder that we are always in God’s care, even when we are most vulnerable.”
  2. Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, Lord, I Need Your Healing Power, (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2006).

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