Purposefully Influencing For Good   

When I read that sociologists say we will influence or be influenced by 10,000 people in our lifetime, I found it hard to believe. 1 What do you think?

Well, I changed my mind after I gave serious thought about all the people who do influence us. Think about it. Relatives, friends, teachers, preachers, neighbors, doctors, nurses, politicians, bosses, co-workers, salespersons, repairmen, waitresses, policemen, realtors, bankers, office clerks, and many more.

In turn, we have our own sphere of influence. People whose lives we touch. Some we are aware of, others we are not—especially as we go about our usual day to day activities. So, it could be amount to 10,000 in our lifetime.

Influencing is “the power to change or affect someone or something; to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen.” So, we can choose to influence for good, not bad; to help, not hurt; to serve, not abuse; to encourage, not discourage.

 “Live purposefully and worthily,” the Apostle Paul advised.

Jamie Buckingham, in writing to Christians, said: “Most of us don’t realize it, but our influence is much larger than we can imagine—and will continue for generations to come, be it good or evil. It’s a wonderful responsibility. Always remember though, Jesus is ever with you and His Spirit will whisper just the things you need to say and do.”1

Maybe you would like to jot down ways other people or things have influenced and blessed you. Then recall ways you were a helpful influencer.  Let’s thank God for those priceless occasions! Questions to consider:

  • Who were the people you let influence you? Mentor, encourage, correct, advise, or teach you something? What lessons did you learn? What lasting words of encouragement do you cherish? Did you thank them?
  • Who were those you influenced on purpose? You spoke into their life. Or helped them develop a skill. Or you just enjoyed sharing food, fun, and fellowship. But you invested time with them.
  • Who were those you never knew but whose acts or achievements greatly influenced you?
  • Who were the somebodies who wrote a book, painted a picture, composed music, taught you a lesson, preached a sermon, or did something so impressive you were profoundly touched?  Do you have some heroes of faith?  Why not share their stories? 2

Prayer:  Father, bless those who made a helpful and significant influence on me.

Scripture: “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time.” (Ephesians 5:15, 16a AMPC)

[Paul] “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Phil.4:9 NKJV)


1. Jamie Buckingham. The Nazarene, (Ann Arbor, MI:, Servant Publications, 1991),89.

2.Quin Sherrer, Cast Your Shadow: Influence On Purpose,( Kendle Publishers), 2018), 199.

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