What Would You Do?
Years ago, I attended a large inspirational meeting in Indianapolis where nationally known Christian leaders encouraged us to be more active in sharing the gospel. The last speaker challenged us with a jolting question: “What would you do if you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow?”
I pondered his question a bit as I flew back home. That evening Sue called inviting me to a luncheon get-together the next day with some Christian women friends. I answered right away, “Sure, see you there.”
After we had ordered our meal, we chatted and giggled as we went around the table catching up on all our personal news. When it was my turn, I threw out the question. “What would you do if you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow?” Silence. Dead silence prevailed. Finally, one spoke up, “Well, I would still be eating here at the Upper Crust.” I almost choked, and soon excused myself.
Driving home, I asked the Lord, “What was that about?” Suddenly, I realized two things: I had not answered the question specifically myself as to what I would do if my Savior showed up the next day. Secondly, I had not prayed about whether I should have joined the luncheon. They had planned it as a fun fellowship, and I was honored to be included. But I had changed their focus and interrupted their purpose for meeting.
Next time, I had better have my issues about the Lord settled first. And I needed to pray about which invitations to accept. My friends were not wrong to be unsettled about my question. I was the one out of order at that moment.
My answer to what I would be doing if I knew the exact timing of His return? It changes from time to time, but it always focuses on Jesus’s commission “Go ye—make disciples.” Once I even had my car license plate to read “Go Ye.”
Not too long ago I smiled when I read that Martin Luther, the great Reformer, had said, “If I knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, I’d still plant an apple tree.”
What about you? What about me? What would we do?
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